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Summer 2024:

Student (Home Institution) Mentor (Institution) Abstract Title
Rohan Cherukuru
Eugene Rhee, M.D.
(Massachusetts General Hospital)
Targeting GPD1 and GPAT2 For Enhanced Bone Health in Chronic Kidney Disease: A Novel Therapeutic Approach
Julia Goralsky
Peter Sage, Ph.D.
(Brigham and Women’s Hospital)
CTLA4-Ig Attenuates Antibody-Mediated Rejection of Kidney Transplants By Regulating Germinal Center Responses
Kayla Hardrick
(Miles College)
Jordan Kreidberg, M.D., Ph.D.
(Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center)
The role of integrinαVβ5in podocyte injury
Madison Ix
(University of California, Berkley)
Jamil Azzi, M.D., Ph.D.
(Brigham and Women’s Hospital)
Germline CD74 Deletion Remodels the T-cell Compartments
Ji-Mi Jang
(University of Rochester)
Dennis Brown, Ph.D.
(Massachusetts General Hospital)
Increased expression of aquaporins 1, 2, and 3 in kidneys of epidermal growth factor (EGF) KO mice
Emmanuel Javed
(California State University, San Bernardino)
Friedhelm Hildebrandt, M.D.
(Boston Children’s Hospital)
Identification of DACH2as a Novel Candidate Gene for Monogenic Steroid-Resistant Nephrotic Syndrome
Nikhita Lalwani
Nathan Raines, M.D.
(Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center)
Altered Purine Metabolites Among a Nicaraguan Population with Acute Kidney Injury and High Risk of Mesoamerican Nephropathy
Rachel Makinde
Mark Zeidel, M.D.
(Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center)
Investigating the Role of Estrogen Signaling via Barrington’s Nucleus in the Neural Control of Lower Urinary Tract Function
Lily McCloskey
(Case Western Reserve University)
Matthew Sampson, M.D.
(Boston Children’s Hospital)
Deconvolution of Peripheral Blood Bulk RNA-seq of Patients with Glomerular Disease
Nicolas Patsatzis
(University of Texas at Austin)
Aria F. Olumi, M.D.
(Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center)
SRD5A2 Expression Correlates with Prostate Volume
Aarya Rumde
(College of the Holy Cross)
David Friedman, M.D.
(Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center)
APOL1RISK Variants Dysregulate Purine Metabolism
Serenella Velez
Jodie L. Babitt, M.D.
(Massachusetts General Hospital)
Efficacy of Fe-BBG For Transferrin-Targeted Iron Replenishment in a CKD Anemia Mouse Model
Mark Wang
Joseph V. Bonventre, M.D., Ph.D.
(Brigham and Women’s Hospital)
KIM-1/Calreticulin Interaction as a Novel Immune Regulatory Pathway in the Kidney
Sydney Whittaker
(University of Connecticut)
Sagar Nigwekar, MD, MMSc
(Massachusetts General Hospital)
The effect of cinacalcet and intravenous sodium thiosulfate treatment on long-term clinical outcomes in calciphylaxis

Summer 2023:

Student (Home Institution) Mentor (Institution) Abstract Title
Aaron Coppeta
Joseph V. Bonventre, M.D., Ph.D.
(Brigham and Women’s Hospital)
Investigating Lithium’s Effect on Renal Stromal Activation to Form a Fibrotic Phenotype
Meghan Crowther
(Brigham Young)
Eugene Rhee, M.D.
(Massachusetts General Hospital)
Oat1 and Oat3 are Potential Transport Proteins For Glycerol-3-Phosphate in the Kidney
Gitika Gorthi
(Columbia )
Martin Pollak, M.D.
(Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center)
Disease Modeling with Kidney Organoids For Transient Receptor Potential Cation Channel 6-Mediated Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis
Zachary Joseph – Goldwater Scholarship Recipient
(Notre Dame)
John Choi, M.D.
(Brigham and Women’s Hospital)
The Role of the CXCL13-CXCR5 Chemokine Axis in Regulatory CD8 T Cell Trafficking
Becca Nelson
Friedhelm Hildebrandt, M.D.
(Boston Children’s Hospital)
Identification of ENPP6 as a Novel Candidate Gene for Monogenic Congenital Anomalies of the Kidneys and Urinary Tracts
Denisse Romero Cruz
Peter Czarnecki, M.D.
(Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center)
Generation and Identification of IFT139 and IFT43-Knockout IMCD Cell Lines by CRISPR/Cas9
Diane Santos
Nathan Raines, M.D.
(Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center)
Altered Purine Metabolites Among a Nicaraguan Population with Acute Kidney Injury and High Risk of Mesoamerican Nephropathy
Aaron Seto (Brown) Sagar Nigwekar, MD, MMSc
(Massachusetts General Hospital)
Effects of Uremic Status and Lesion Location on Clinical and Histological Features of Calciphylaxis
Parsa Seyfourian
(University of British Columbua)
Matthew Sampson, M.D.
(Boston Children’s Hospital)
An Optimized Framework For Accurate Identifcation of Candidate Regulatory Elements Using Single-Nucleus Genomics Technology
Sana Shehzad
(Siena College)
Leonardo Riella, M.D., Ph.D.
(Massachusetts General Hospital)
Predicting Chronic Kidney Disease in Lung Transplant Recipients
Isra Shuster
Dennis Brown, Ph.D.
(Massachusetts General Hospital)
Vitamin K3 (Menadione) Increases Aquaporin2 Trafficking in Kidney Principal Cells via a pS256 Independent Pathway
Adhvaith Sridhar – Goldwater Scholarship Recipient
(University of Minnesota)
Jodie L. Babitt, M.D.
(Massachusetts General Hospital)
Identification of the Jun Pathway as a Novel Bmp6 Regulator in Iron Homeostasis
Katie Stickels
(Freed-Hardeman University )
Naoka Murakami, M.D., Ph.D.
(Brigham and Women’s Hospital)
Characterization of Immune Cell Infiltrates in Acute Interstitial Nephritis
Laura Torre
(Columbia )
Mark Zeidel, M.D.
(Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center)
Characterization of a Partial Bladder Outlet Obstruction Mouse Model Using X-Ray Videocystometry

Summer 2022:

Student (Home Institution) Mentor (Institution) Abstract Title
Adriana Barreiro
(University of Puerto Rico)
Peter Czarnecki, M.D.
(Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center)
The SAM domain of PKD-related protein ANKS6 is necessary, but not sufficient for its interaction with NPHP3
Catherine Channell
(Loyola Marymount )
Matthew Sampson, M.D.
(Boston Children’s Hospital)
Initial Expression of APOL1 Risk Variants Does Not Result in Differential Expression of Genes including STC1 and NOS2 with Roles Involved in Mitochondrial Function
Danika Dai
(Duke )
David Friedman, M.D.
(Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center)
Cytotoxicity of APOL1 risk variant G1 is decreased by leucine to alanine mutations at the C-terminal leucine zipper domain
Zach Dhaem
(Michigan State University)
Leonardo Riella, M.D., Ph.D.
(Massachusetts General Hospital)
Acute T-Cell Mediated Rejection Is Predominant Cause of Dysfunction in Clinically-Indicated Kidney Transplant Biopsies – a Retrospective Analysis
Pulkit Gupta
(Emory University)
Joseph V. Bonventre, M.D., Ph.D.
(Brigham and Women’s Hospital)
Ritonavir and Lonafarnib Reduce Aristolochic Acid-Induced Nuclear Lamin A Overexpression in Bioengineered 3D Kidney Organoids
Julian Handler
(Harvard University)
Dennis Brown, Ph.D.
(Massachusetts General Hospital)
Dmxl1 Knockdown in Kidney Intercalated Cells Decreases Expression of the B1 Subunit of the H+(V)-Atpase
Nicole Ingran
(Mississippi State)
Sagar Nigwekar, MD, MMSc
(Massachusetts General Hospital)
 Metabolic Acidosis Among Patients with Calciphylaxis Treated with Intravenous Sodium Thiosulfate
Soumya Khanna
Jodie L. Babitt, M.D.
(Massachusetts General Hospital)
Novel Experimental Intravenous Iron Compound Delivers Iron Directly to Transferrin in Vivo.
David Kim
(Cornell University)
Friedhelm Hildebrandt, M.D.
(Boston Children’s Hospital)
A homozygous truncating ETV4 variant in an African family with congenital anomalies of the kidneys and urinary tract
Luan Le
(GA Tech)
Mark Zeidel, M.D.
(Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center)
Cellophane Banding as a Novel Technique to Model Partial Bladder Outlet Obstruction
Fumika Sano
(University of Washington Seattle)
Jamil Azzi, M.D.
(Brigham and Women’s Hospital)
Antigen-specific CD8 regulatory T cell (Treg) therapy suppresses humoral response against allografts
Sanchit Sanyal
(John Hopkins University)
Aria Olumi, M.D.
(Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center)
SRD5A2 Overexpression Regulates WNT5A Expression and Inhibits Epithelial Cell Proliferation

Summer 2021:

Student (Home Institution) Mentor (Institution) Abstract Title
Flynn Anderson
(Binghamton University)
Joseph V. Bonventre, M.D., Ph.D.
(Brigham and Women’s Hospital)
Development, Cellular Characterization, and Functional Analysis of 3D Collecting Duct Model using AQP2 and MCCDCL1 Cell Lines
Aaron Bao
(Washington University)
Friedhelm Hildebrandt, M.D.
(Boston Children’s Hospital)
Whole exome sequencing implicates MYO1C as a new, autosomal recessive gene for nephrotic syndrome
Dan Colombo
(University of Massachusetts )
Peter Czarnecki, M.D.
(Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center)
Analyzing the Ciliary Inversin Compartment Assembly Hierarchy
Christabel Egemba
(Pomona College)
Martin Pollak, M.D.
(Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center)
ApoL1 Acts as a Cation Channel
Alicia Ferguson
(Hampton University)
Sagar Nigwekar, MD, MMSc
(Massachusetts General Hospital)
Associate Health Services Research Analyst at Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Kole Joachim
(Whittier College)
Jodie L. Babitt, M.D.
(Massachusetts General Hospital)
Chronic Kidney Disease and Functional Iron Deficiency: a Stabilin-2 Derived Cre Recombinase is Specific to Endothelial Cells in the Liver
Frank Lee
(UC Berkeley University)
Jamil Azzi, M.D.
(Brigham and Women’s Hospital)
Qa-1 dependent CD8 T-reg activation through inducing peptide to inhibit antibody-mediated allograft rejection
Arvind Muruganantham
(Baylor University)
Joseph V. Bonventre, M.D., Ph.D.
(Brigham and Women’s Hospital)
Using CRISPRi in human kidney organoids to identify cis-regulatory elements of NPHS1
Christian Park
(Emory University)
Dennis Brown, Ph.D.
(Massachusetts General Hospital)
Effect of the Ncoa7 Protein on V-ATPase Apical Trafficking and Assembly in Kidney Epithelial Cells
Ritikia Revoori
(Duke University)
Sanja Sever, Ph.D.
(Massachusetts General Hospital)
Lymph Node Fibroblastic Reticular Cells Become Fibrogenic Following Repetitive Organ Injury
Cassandra Seifert
(John Hopkins University)
Mark Zeidel, M.D.
(Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center)
Population-3’ Neurons of the Pontine Micturition Center (PMC) Not Functionally Relevant for Modulation of Voiding Behavior
Alexandria Warner
(Spelman College)
Leonardo Riella, M.D., Ph.D.
(Massachusetts General Hospital)
Objective Frailty Scores for Pre-Kidney Transplant Patients Lead to More Holistic Patient Care

Summer 2020: No Summer Program Due to COVID-19

Summer 2019:

Student (Home Institution) Mentor (Institution) Abstract Title
Debbie Adam
(University of Maryland, College Park)
Sushrut S. Waikar, M.D., MPH
(Brigham and Women’s Hospital)
Plasma fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23) and protein alpha-1-microglobulin/ bikunin precursor (AMBP) as Predictors of Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) Endpoints in the Boston Kidney Biopsy Cohort (BKBC)
Daniel Chan
(Brown University)
Mark Zeidel, M.D.
(Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center)
β1-Integrin Signaling Underlies the Morphological and Phenotypic Changes of the Bladder in a Novel Mouse Model of Acute Urinary Retention
Ellenor Chi
(Cornell University)
Joseph V. Bonventre, M.D., Ph.D.
(Brigham and Women’s Hospital)
Using CRISPR-based gene editing to facilitate differentiation of pluripotent stem cells into uretic bud derivatives and interrogate mechanisms of human cystic kidney disease
Ben Dellaripa
(Tufts University)
Sanja Sever, Ph.D.
(Massachusetts General Hospital)
Actin Stress Fiber Destabilization is Associated with Cisplatin- and Gentamicin-Induced Toxicity in IMCD Cells.
Roxanne Fouladi
(University of Delaware)
David Friedman, M.D.
(Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center)
Recessive mutations in TLN1 are a potential novel cause of nephrotic syndrome in humans
Anu Khanna
(Boston University)
Vicki Kelley, M.D.
(Brigham and Women’s Hospital)
Ptprz Ligands are Upregulated in Acute Kidney Injury and Chronic Kidney Disease
Anna Khoroshilav (Kay)
(Massachusetts Institue of Technology)
Dennis Brown, Ph.D.
(Massachusetts General Hospital)
Phosphorylated forms of AQP2 are re-distributed onto intracellular vesicles after colchicine (COL) mediated microtubule disruption in renal epithelial cells
Saurabh Kumar
(University of Connecticut)
Jordan Kriedberg, M.D., Ph.D.
(Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center)
Focal Adhesion Kinase (FAK) regulates Yes-Associated Protein (YAP) nuclear translocation in podocytes and is activated during glomerular injury in Yap knockout mice
Christie Passos
(New York University)
Sagar Nigwekar, MD, MMSc
(Massachusetts General Hospital)
Matrix Gla Protein (MGP) is a Novel Biomarker for Calciphylaxis
Rashmi Rao
David Friedman, M.D.
(Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center)
Pharmacological inhibitor against Protein Kinase R but not siRNA prevents APOL1 upregulation during innate immune activation
Joya Sims
(Spelman University)
Valerie Schumacher, Ph.D
(Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center)
Staufen 2 is Necessary for Podocyte-Matrix Adhesion by Regulating the Integrity of the Golgi Apparatus
Whitney Souery
(Texas A&M University)
Jamil Azzi, M.D.
(Brigham and Women’s Hospital)
Engineering ligand-targeted, biomimetic leukosomes as an immunotherapeutic for alloimmunity

Summer 2018:

Student (Home Institution) Mentor (Institution) Abstract Title
Aneesh Agarwal
(Chapel Hill-UNC)
Jodie L. Babitt, M.D.
(Boston Children’s Hospital)
The Effects of Erythropoietic Drive and Inflammation on Bmp2-Linked Iron Regulation
Erica Bien
(Augustana University)
Mark Zeidel, M.D.
(Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center)
Loss of Β1-Integrin Disrupts Signal Transduction for Smooth Muscle Contraction in Mouse Bladder
Phillip Chu
(Emory University)
Joseph V. Bonventre, M.D., Ph.D
(Brigham and Women’s Hospital)
Injury Induced Kidney Fibrosis is Regulated by Coup-Tfii
Nicole (Nikki) Czachowski
(University of Pittsburg)
Sushrut S. Waikar, M.D., MPH
(Brigham and Women’s Hospital)
Ultrafiltration Rate and Postural Hypotension are Associated with Inter-Dialytic Weight Gain: Insights from the Cardis Study
Amir Desai
(Rutgers University)
Anil Chandraker, M.D.
(Brigham and Women’s Hospital)
Examination of a Novel Immunoregulatory Marker in a Transplant Population.
Puja Dutta
(Carnegie Mellon University)
Sushrut S. Waikar, M.D., MPH
(Brigham and Women’s Hospital)
Clinical Symptoms are Correlated to Pathological Findings in Calciphylaxis Patients
Michaela (Micaela) Dickinson
(Williams University)
Valerie Schumacher, Ph.D
(Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center)
Mrna is Stored at Stalled Polyribosomes in Podocyte Foot Processes for Rapid Local Translation
Anupama Dinesh
(Brown University)
Dennis Brown, Ph.D.
(Massachusetts General Hospital)
Actin Cytoskeleton Branching is Required for Aquaporin-2 (Aqp2) Membrane Accumulation
Chen-Bo Fang
(University of Arkansas)
Friedhelm Hildebrandt, M.D.
(Boston Children’s Hospital)
Whole Exome Sequencing Implicates Wdr4 as a New, Autosomal Recessive Gene for Nephrotic Syndrome
Shanelle Mendes
(Johns Hopkins University)
David Friedman, M.D.
(Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center)
Treatment with Cardiac Glycosides Reduces Apol1 Risk Variant Induced Cell Death
Claythia Nicholas
(Medgar Evers College CUNY)
Martin Pollak, M.D.
(Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center)
Phosphorylation of A-Actinin-4 (Actn4) May Play an Important Role in Regulating Focal Adhesion of Podocytes
Harsha Paladugu
(Harvard College)
Sanja Sever, Ph.D.
(Massachusetts General Hospital)
Screening for Dynamin Activators
Dylan Rust
(University of Wyoming)
Samir Parikh, M.D.
(Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center)
Cisplatin Affects Lysosomal Homeostasis
Jenelle Safadi
(Cornell University)
Jamil Azzi, M.D.
(Brigham and Women’s Hospital)
Ifnar1 Signaling Curbs Alloimmunity by Increasing Treg Recruitment and Decreasing T Cell Maturation
Ramanan Sivakumar
(Johns Hopkins University)
Peter Czarnecki, M.D.
(Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center)
Restoring Nphp3 Recruitment in Nek8 and Invs Knockout Cells with Rcc-1 Chimeric Proteins
Alicia Wang
(Princeton University)
Jordan Kriedberg, M.D., Ph.D.
(Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center)
Increased Expression of Fibronectin and Phosphorylated Focal Adhesion Kinase in a Murine Model of Polycystic Kidney Disease

Summer 2017:

Student (Home Institution) Mentor (Institution) Abstract Title
Duc Giao
(U. of California, Berkeley)
Jordan Kriedberg, MD, PhD
(Boston Children’s Hospital)
HtrA2 Protease Cleavage of the Wilms’ Tumor Suppressor-1 Transcription Factor during Podocyte Injury
Christin Hong
(Columbia University)
Iain Drummond, PhD
(Massachusetts General Hospital)
BMP Receptor 1aa is Unregulated after Injury in Stem Cell Mediated Regeneration in Zebrafish Adult Kidney
Isabel Hsu
(Princeton University)
Sushrut Waikar, MD, PhD
(Brigham and Women’s Hospital)
Plasma Kidney Injury Molecule-1 and Monocyte Chemoattractant Protein-1 Correlations with Kidney Histopathology
Saiesh Kalva
(Rice University)
Valerie Schumacher, PhD
(Boston Children’s Hospital)
Staufen2, an RNA Binding Protein, Mediates Podocyte Matrix Adhesion by Regulating Golgi Apparatus Structure and Function
Michael Kim
(Case Western)
David Friedman, MD
(Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center)
Temperature-dependent Cytotoxicity of APOL1 Risk Variants
Song Ha (Sarah) Lee
(Princeton University)
Friedhelm Hildebrandt, MD
(Boston Children’s Hospital)
Identification of a Causative Mutation in the Gene HPSE2 Associated with Urofacial Syndrome
Kavita Patwardhan
(University of Connecticut)
Ravi Thadhani, MD, MPH
(Massachusetts General Hospital)
The Effect of Sodium Thiosulfate on Oxidative Stress and Coronary Calcium Score
Sanjana Rane
(St. Michael’s College)
Todd Valerius, PhD and
Joseph Bonventre, MD, PhD

(Brigham and Women’s Hospital)
Development of Six2 Human Reporter Cell Line to Characterize Self-renewal of Nephron Progenitor Cells
Sarah Rokaw
(Washington U, St. Louis)
Mark Ziedel, MD
(Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center)
Simultaneous Recording of Neural Firing and Urinary Bladder Pressure Links Specific Neurons to Urination
Dhruv Shah
(University of Connecticut)
Dennis Brown, PhD
(Massachusetts General Hospital)
Should we Culture Cells from All Mammals at 37°C? Species-specific Influence of Temperature on Growth, Receptor Sensitivity and Vesicle Trafficking
Akila Venkataramany
(Princeton University)
Anath Karumanchi, MD
(Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center)
Characterizing the Elabela/Toddler Endogenous Ligand in Normal and Preeclamptic Human Placental Tissue
Lauren Weinberg
(University of Arkansas)
Astrid Weins, MD, PhD
(Brigham and Women’s Hospital)
DNA Repair: a Unique Challenge for Postmitotic Podocytes
Lillian Xu
(Princeton University)
Peter Czarnecki, MD
(Brigham and Women’s Hospital)
Structure-function Analysis of Inversion in Proximal Ciliary Patterning and Ciliary Transport

Summer 2016:

Student (Home Institution) Mentor (Institution) Abstract Title
Abraham Bayer
(Tufts University)
Jodie Babbitt, MD
(Massachusetts General Hospital)
Iron parameters are unchanged in mice sacrificed with both Isoflurane and Nembutal
Benjamin Byun
Reza Abdi, MD
(Brigham and Women’s Hospital)
Is cold ischemia time important to the optimization of kidney transplantation?
Austin Cao
(Rice University)
Joseph Bonventre, MD, PhD
(Brigham and Women’s Hospital)
Modeling drug nephrotoxicity and nephroprotection in kidney organoids
Rebecca Chen
(University of California)
Friedhelm Hildebrandt, MD
(Boston Children’s Hospital)
Novel mutation in DHTKD1 causes ketoadipic aciduria and possibly tubular proteneinuria and neurological impairment
Jane Edmunds
(University of Missouri)
Jordan Kreidberg, MD, MPH
(Boston Children’s Hospital)
The role of beta-catenin in cystogenisis in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease
Jazmin Ewers
(Fisk University)
Martin Pollak, MD
(Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center)
Brazilian dialysis patients exhibit a high frequency of APOL1 Variants which resinforce its possible link to chronic kidney disease
Sarah Hanif
(University of Connecticut)
Mark Zeidel, MD
(Massachusetts General Hospital)
Investigations into the role of b1-integrin in bladder smooth muscle
Monica Miles
(St. Michaels)
Sanja Sever, PhD
(Massachusetts General Hospital)
The effect of various drugs on Actin and Tubulin in kidney proximal tubule epithelial cells
Anjali Misra
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Peter Czarnecki, MD
(Brigham and Women’s Hospital)
Generalization and characterization of NPHP3-knockout IMCD cells lines by CRISPR/CAS9
Kira Nathan
(Oberlin College)
Savithri Kota, PhD
(Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center)
Murine mesangial cells express kidney injury molecule-1: suggestive of a direct role in IgA nephropathy?
Isioma Obiofuma
(Princeton University)
Sushrut Waikar, MD, MPH
(Brigham and Women’s Hospital)
Acute and chronic changes in kidney function following nephrectomy
Abby Terlouw
(University of Arkansas)
Dennis Brown, PhD
(Massachusetts General Hospital)
Polarization of Aquaporin-2 (AQP2) trafficing by inhibition of Clathrin-mediated endocytosis
Jingwen Zhang
(Amherst College)
Valerie Schumacher, PhD
(Boston Children’s Hospital)
ADAR1-mediated RNA editing responds to injury in podocytes

Summer 2015:

Student (Home Institution) Mentor (Institution) Abstract Title
Ronald Akiki
(Boston University)
Friedhelm Hildebrandt, MD
(Boston Children’s Hospital)
Mutation in XPO5 is a novel genetic cause of nephrotic syndrome
Sarita Ballakur
(Brown University)
Ravi Thadhani, MD, MPH
(Massachusetts General Hospital)
Efficacy of Sodium Thiosulfate treatment for calciphylaxis associated pain
Sarah Bhattacharjee
(University of California, Berkeley)
Mark Ziedel, MD
(Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center)
Study of Mucin and Proteoglycan genes in mouse bladder
David Heron
(Xavier University)
David Briscoe, MD
(Boston Children’s Hospital)
Endothelial cell dependent inflammation in acute kidney injury
Young Hsu
(University of California, San Diego)
Joseph Bonventre, MD, PhD
(Brigham and Women’s Hospital)
Directed differentiation of induced pluripotent stem cells into functional human podocytes
Billy I. Kim
(Johns Hopkins University)
S. Ananth Karumanchi, MD
(Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center)
Role of brain derived neurotrophic
Jacqueline Lee
(Carnegie Mellon University)
Jordan Kreidberg, MD, MPH
(Boston Children’s Hospital)
The correlation between high B-Catenin expression and cystogeneis in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease
John Murphy
(University of Michigan)
John Forman, MD
(Brigham and Women’s Hospital)
Effect of Vitamin D supplementation on insulin resistance and beta-cell function on obese non-diabetic adults
Niyi Odewade
(Amherst College)
Sushrut Waikar, MD, MPH
(Brigham and Women’s Hospital)
Plasma uric acid levels and histopathological findings on kidney biopsy
Sajal Kumar Tiwary
(Princeton University)
Dennis Brown, PhD
(Massachusetts General Hospital)
Differential localization of never V-Atpase interacting proteins in the kidney
Tanvee Varma
(Wellesley College)
Anna Greka, MD, PhD
(Brigham and Women’s Hospital)
Inhibition of calcium-mediated podocyte injury as a strategy to prevent kidney failure
Anna May Zhang
(Carnegie Mellon University)
Martin Pollak, MD
(Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center)
Identifying stimuli responsible for abnormal a-Actinin-4 phosphorylation in human podocytes

Summer 2014:

Student (Home Institution) Mentor (Institution) Abstract Title
Michael Ho-Young Ahn
(Harvard College)
Mark Zeidel, MD
(Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center)
P2X purinergic receptor structure and urinary incontinence
Anna Besschetnova
(Cornell University)
Martin Pollak, MD
(Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center)
APOL1 expression in primary human dermal fibroblast culture
Margaret Chen
(UMASS, Amherst)
Sushrut Waikar, MD, MPH
(Brigham and Women’s Hospital)
Conventional and novel diagnostic tests in biopsy-confirmed kidney disease
Leah Colucci
(University of Miami)
Augustine Rajakumar, PhD/
Anath Karumanchi , MD

(Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center)
Differential expression of homeobox A4 (HOXA4) mRNA in preeclamptic placentas
Julia DeMoranville
(University of Connecticut)
Friedhelm Hildebrandt, MD
(Boston Children’s Hospital) 
Analysis of 11 candidate genes in a cohort of 768 individuals with NPHPRC using multiplex PCR combined with next generation sequencing
Abdul Gamam
(University of Minnesota) 
John Forman, MD, MSc
(Brigham and Women’s Hospital) 
Identifying mechanisms linking sleep factors to hypertension
Sandra Kirollos
(Rutgers University) 
David Charytan, MD, MS
(Brigham and Women’s Hospital)
Cardiac appendage expresses FGF23 and Klotho in patients with cardiovascular disease
Michelle Li
(Harvard College)
Joseph V. Bonventre, MD, PhD
(Brigham and Women’s Hospital)
Using CRISPR/CAS9 genome editing in human pluripotent stem cells to model kidney diseases
Cesar Lopez
(Stanford University) 
Dennis Brown, PhD
(Massachusetts General Hospital)
Endocytic protein targeting and association with V-ATPase in kidney tubule cells
Brendan Norwood-Pearson
(American University) 
Samir Parikh, MD
(Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center)
PGC-1α ameliorates septic acute kidney injury
Margaret Okobi
Hua A. Jenny Lu, MD, PhD (Massachusetts General Hospital) Vasopressin-Tolvaptan antagonism suggests unrecognized Tolvaptan effects
Yanchen Zhang
(Dartmouth College)
Ravi Thadhani, MD, MPH (Massachusetts General Hospital) Are predictive factors for calciphylaxis unique?
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